veer off

[vɪə ɔf]
  • 释义
  • (方向、位置的)改变;(从…)突然改变方向,猛然转向;(谈话、行为或思想)离开主题(或常轨等);

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    During rush hour, he saw a veer off the road and slam into a fire hydrant.

    在交通高峰时, 他看到一辆车在马路上转弯,撞到消防栓.

  • 2、

    If you fall asleep while driving, you'll probably veer off the road.

    假如你开车时打瞌睡, 可能会驶离道路.

  • 3、

    But even though they will probably not intentionally veer off course, you should still check periodically.

    但是,尽管他们不会故意偏离航线, 但是你还是应该时常核对一下是否还在航线上.

  • 4、

    Worries about exchange rates, he argues, cause central banks to veer off course.

    他认为, 对于汇率的担忧已经使央行们偏离了正轨.
